Singer, Songwriter, Percussion & Harmonica
When and why did you start playing music?
I suppose I started to experiment with music on my Grandmas electric organ. I could spend hours sitting there but would usually have to fight with my cousins and take it in turns. I’ve always enjoyed singing and wrote my first song when I was about 10. I would make recordings with my friend and she would be the radio interviewer and I would be the singer. I sang in front of an audience in school when I was 11 and have never looked back since. I have always loved the sound of the harmonica and have always had a thing for drums. Singing is my thing though; I’d be lost without it.
Who are your favourite songwriters?
There are so many good ones but I’d say I discovered song writing through my Dads music Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Paul Simon, Fleetwood Mac and Paul McCartney to name a few. Since my musical journey has begun I constantly try to listen to new music old and new. I love a songwriter who can make a song so ambiguous so it appeals to almost anyone. I find lyrics and melodies fascinating especially the thought provoking ones that can really stir up your emotions.
What musicians inspire you?
Working musicians inspire me and those who take chances and follow opportunities given to them. Musicians who help others, use their music to make a difference and musicians who work really hard and gig constantly. It’s quite a tough industry to keep going at, but if you love something enough, then you’ve found your motivation and inspiration.
What do you enjoy about a live performance?
Everything. It’s the audience that makes it and to have a crowd that is enjoying live music is fantastic. I love touring and live performances because you never know what is going to happen; it’s different every time and keeps it interesting.
Do you have a format for writing songs?
I sometimes get a tune and then words, or words then a tune. It’s usually at the most awkward of times like when I’m driving, in the shower or in the middle of the night. I always make a note of them or record them on my phone. I can play a little bit of guitar and ukulele, so that helps. If Andy is playing a tune on the guitar, I will come up with a melody and then words. It’s different every time I suppose. Once the song is complete and practiced, recording is fantastic, I love the whole process of it all coming together.