A Quick Note Following Our Performance on BBC Lancashire

We busk on most days come rain or shine since its a way for us to master our art and promote our music. We’ve experienced quite a lot and we are pretty seasoned buskers. A couple of weeks after the show we had been busking in Wigan. We arrived early though not early enough as there had been another earlier bird busker in the middle of the town. We setup a few hundred yards from him anyway.

Whilst we had been playing our first few songs, we decided to play Three Steps Forward. This was the track that we played live on air. After performing the song a man approached us and asked us had we been on the radio recently on BBC Lancashire? Due to this he recognised the song and we were relieved someone was listening. It was a coincidence that he was there at that time of us playing the very same song. He told us how much he loved our music and how much of a pleasure it was to meet us.

Unfortunately our website went down recently. Therefore we were unable to point anyone in the direction on how to find us on the radio show.We explained how it  has had to be built again from scratch (that’s another blog entirely).  He bought both CDs and asked us to sign them. He told us of his sad struggles he had with his wife having a brain tumour and him having a heart attack. This is due to stress and financial difficulties that had ensued. His approach was so positive though and upbeat considering the circumstances.

We really felt for him as Andys step dad had a stroke 2 years ago and is now still in a wheelchair in a nursing home at the young age of 65. We said we would pray for him and his wife and thanked him for his support. Occasionally you meet people who really touch your soul and give you hope. This was one of those moments. It was very serendipitous to have met him. We wish John and his wife the best of luck for the future.


We love coming into the studio and appearing on shows up and down the country. If you would like us to appear on your Radio Show please contact us

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